I would have hated to be the Queen

Queen Elizabeth II died earlier today. She lived to be 96 years old. With the title of this article, you may assume I’m talking about her lack of privacy. Or her dysfunctional family. Nope. Something completely different. Now, to be clear about two things – 1. I’m anti-Monarchy. I have nothing against any monarch as… Continue reading I would have hated to be the Queen

Categorized as Musings

Why that last post was so extreme

I talked about how you should even cut off members of the family you were born into if they want you to be forced into masks + the corona “vaccine.” It sounds extreme. But I’ll explain my reasoning. For one, masks don’t work. Anyone with any brains already figured this out. More importantly, this “vaccine”… Continue reading Why that last post was so extreme

Categorized as Rants