I’ve done a 180 on running

I’ve talked about the benefits of sunlight many times. So I’d often tell the Mrs that I’m going for a walk, just to get some sun. Then, a real nice ass with a ponytail will fly by. And I’d suddenly get the inspiration to run. I’ll come back covered in sweat. Which is one of… Continue reading I’ve done a 180 on running

Categorized as Personal

On Artists and Free Speech

One huge beef I have with a lot of today’s artists – in the 1980s, artists stood together for Free Speech. “I may not like what you have to say, but I will die to defend your Right to say it.” You’d hear artists make that proclamation. Musicians teamed up and made a strong stand… Continue reading On Artists and Free Speech

Top 10% of anything is easy

If you want to be in the top 10% of anything, it’s super easy. I’ll give you a hot tip about people nowadays. They’re lazy. The vast majority of people want nice things without having to do the work. Then they complain about not having nice things. You’ll see this entitlement mentality everywhere. You’ll hear… Continue reading Top 10% of anything is easy

Categorized as Musings

Top 10 Fantasy movies of the 80s

Fantasy is a catch all phrase. Add a little bit of mysticism in the movie and suddenly the morons put the movie on a Fantasy list. No. This list is legit fantasy. It’s also a list that contains no animation. Nothing against animation. I just think animation should have its own list. So 80s movies… Continue reading Top 10 Fantasy movies of the 80s

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