Well friends, I finally did it. I started a weekly program on YouTube. It’s about my speed drawing technique. I take a pretty girl and draw her quickly. Here’s my first episode: I had a blast creating the intro. I just took some of the babes I worked with back in the Astral Eyes days… Continue reading You’re So Beautiful
Category: Musings
Shoot that alien in the face!
It seemed like forever ago. A friend of mine worked with a beautiful blonde. She always had the most radiant smile when I saw her. So one day, we just started talking. And lo and behold, became friends. I’ve talked about platonic friendships between men and women before. And y’all know I’m stipulation #3. I… Continue reading Shoot that alien in the face!
Bartenders get laid
My favorite bartender in the San Francisco area was skinny and goofy looking. That motherfucker could outdrink anyone though. I wonder where the alcohol went because he really was rail thin. Anyways, he always had a hot girlfriend. And always also had attractive female friends. Was his girl jealous? I’m sure she was. That’s a… Continue reading Bartenders get laid
I’m back on Twitter
Hey folks. I’m back on Twitter. My account is opiumtales2 because some jackass has opiumtales. That dickhead is some emo piece of shit who’s just sitting on my fame, apparently grabbed while I was banned. What a dick. Anyways, if you’re there, give me a follow.
I would have hated to be the Queen
Queen Elizabeth II died earlier today. She lived to be 96 years old. With the title of this article, you may assume I’m talking about her lack of privacy. Or her dysfunctional family. Nope. Something completely different. Now, to be clear about two things – 1. I’m anti-Monarchy. I have nothing against any monarch as… Continue reading I would have hated to be the Queen