Resting bitch face

I once worked with a girl with resting bitch face. If you don’t know what that is, it’s exactly as it sounds. Bless her heart, but “Blenda” (not her real name) made a horrible wife. My buddy D and I felt bad for her husband because he was a genuinely good guy. Like one day… Continue reading Resting bitch face

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I am blessed

I was an atheist up until a few years ago. One major change in my life recently is saying thanks before dinner. No matter what you believe, even if you believe in nothing, saying thanks is powerful. You learn to appreciate things that you previously took for granted. I highly advise it. So this morning,… Continue reading I am blessed

Categorized as Musings

Keep it simple, stupid!

You may have heard this expression before. I not only like it, I follow it. I keep most things simple. Now, the inspiration for this is I was having a conversation about a certain guitarist who relies too much on effect pedals. I won’t say this guitarist’s name but he’s one I’m sure you know.… Continue reading Keep it simple, stupid!

Categorized as Musings

“If you reach for the moon, you’ll always touch the sky”

I loved MTV when it first came out. They played music videos constantly and there was so much good music to be discovered. Heavy Metal didn’t split into Thrash vs Glam yet and 80s pop felt great, long before that cynical Grunge bullshit ruined American music. I remember Planet P Project’s “Why Me?” One of… Continue reading “If you reach for the moon, you’ll always touch the sky”

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