Life Amongst the NPCs Part III – When more people start dropping dead

It has become almost comical. When someone collapses for no reason, or if they drop dead for no apparent reason, we’re not supposed to ask whether they’ve been vaccinated or not. Because that’s rude, right? However, it’s ok to ask if you’ve been vaccinated for work. It’s ok to ask if you’ve been vaccinated to… Continue reading Life Amongst the NPCs Part III – When more people start dropping dead

Categorized as Rants

Life amongst the NPCs Part I

You may have heard the term NPC before. I first heard it from Dungeons and Dragons years ago. It’s simply a Non-Player Character. The modern slang usage of NPCs refer to a real life human who acts like a videogame NPC. He has no brains of his own and simply does what he’s programmed to… Continue reading Life amongst the NPCs Part I

Categorized as Rants

Twitter is now where it’s at

Elon Musk is the new Donald Trump. Whereas in 2016-2022, half the people you knew had Trump Derangement Syndrome (otherwise known as TDS), it’s now EDS. I’m actually Trump neutral. Like anyone else, he has his strengths and his flaws. He was great for the economy. And for once, we had a President who didn’t… Continue reading Twitter is now where it’s at

Categorized as Rants

But don’t be a cartoon male either

I’ve discussed what happens when masculinity disappears for a generation. I’ve also given you real life examples of beta males. Unfortunately, when humans “correct,” we tend to overdo it. So with this crisis in lack of masculinity, here comes cartoon male to the rescue! A one-dimensional, almost cartoonish figure of masculinity. No depth. No character.… Continue reading But don’t be a cartoon male either

Categorized as Rants