Avery’s vengeance

This is Part IV of Princess for the Night. Part I is here. he image of that initial bite never left Avery’s head. He couldn’t sleep for weeks, visualizing Tonna getting bitten in half. When he closed his eyes, he still saw her death. Despite throwing up one to two times a day for weeks,… Continue reading Avery’s vengeance

Categorized as Fiction

Tonna’s obscene death

This is Part III of Princess of the Night. Part I of Princess for the Night is here. onna lost the lottery. She immediately peed in her dress as the other virgin girls in that village and some of the neighboring villages breathed a sigh of relief. Several of the girls cried for her. Some… Continue reading Tonna’s obscene death

Categorized as Fiction

Young love

This is Part II of Princess for the Night. Part I of Princess of the Night is here. very swings the wooden practice sword and Umfrey easily blocks it. “You’re telegraphing, Avery. I saw where the blow would land before you even got close to me. Try again.” Yes, a prodigy with a sword, but… Continue reading Young love

Categorized as Fiction

“You’re not going to need that love potion”

“You’re not going to need that love potion.” Isabella looked up at her aunt and smiled. “You don’t think so?” “No. He’s already crazy about you. Apparently everyone in the village knows this but you.” Isabella sort of blushed. That’s a lot of emotion for Isabella, who’s more a thinking girl. Not your average feminine… Continue reading “You’re not going to need that love potion”

Categorized as Fiction

The Voodoo Sex Shop

Nobody fucked with Jack. Do you remember that old Jim Croce song about Leroy Brown? Yeah. Jack was the real life version of that guy. Anyways, Jack liked to beat the shit out of other men who thought they were the toughest guy in the bar. He didn’t like it when other men stood tall… Continue reading The Voodoo Sex Shop

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