There’s no such thing as too many paintings of dancers. Dancing is one of the most human things we do. I’m married. But if I were single, and I met a cute girl who couldn’t dance, I’ll give her the evil words. You know them – “let’s just be friends.”
That’s right. No matter how cute she is. If she can’t dance, I’m not attracted to her. Period.
Now, if she promised to take dancing lessons and showed vast improvement, then maybe I’d give her a second chance. But dancing is such a huge thing to this particular artist at least.
I’m a damn good dancer. I took Swing lessons and Waltz lessons. I’d love to eventually take Tango lessons as I think the Tango is exceptionally sexy.
Musically, I’m all about Ballet. Swan Lake is the greatest of all ballets. But everyone already knows that.
Allie and Roxy are both damn good dancers
Yes, it’s not just because we’re close friends. They’re also very good dancers. They both move gracefully and have peaceful faces when they dance. You could tell the passion when they’re dancing. It’s real. Not forced.
Yes, I’ve already said it many times, including recently in my 3 totally random artistic musings article. But I’ll say it one more time for the people in the back.
If I’m ever going to get a third model, she has to be a good dancer. No exceptions.
I specially look for gracefulness when looking for models. No, neither Allie nor Roxy are professional models. My friend Jin was the last professional model I used. I may use a few others I know back when I was more into photography than art.
But I actually don’t like using one-offs. For my style of painting, there needs to be an emotional connection. I’m a Romantic after all.

What about you?
What are you passionate about? And how do you work this into your art?
I strongly believe if you paint what you’re passionate about, you’ll never ever run out of ideas.