As you may have heard, LA Times just laid off most of their staff.
Twenty years ago, I would have felt bad for those losers. Today? Fuck them. I have zero love for journalists.
The previous recession (not the one we’re currently in), journalists from the LA Times told unemployed blue collar workers to “learn to code.” Then of course when the first journalistic layoffs started when Twitter was not yet owned by Elon, anyone who told a journalist to “learn to code” got his or her account suspended. Happened to several of my pals, so I saw it happen. And go fuck yourself if you try to gaslight me and say it didn’t happen. I saw it happen motherfucker!
Second, this:

I got death threats, banned from several social media platforms, banned from Etsy (fuck Etsy too), and lost several friends because I wouldn’t get that stupid shot. Including a friend formerly from our inner circle.
Now people are having all kinds of weird side effects from it. I tried warning people not to ever take experimental medicines. You were basically a guinea pig.
Vaccines are supposed to be dead or weakened viruses, so YOUR BODY learns how to kick its ass. The Covid vaccine was completely different. Look it up if you don’t believe me. It’s a medical experiment, not a true vaccine.
And that’s what we got from the LA Times.
Fuck the LA Times. I’m glad those dorks are getting laid off.
Anyone who hates me, I hate them right back. No love to anyone who hates me.
And third:

Yes, they went full on fascist over a cold. My wife and I both got it. From someone who was vaccinated from it. Which goes to show – the vaccine didn’t prevent the virus. Nor did it prevent transmission.
So every motherfucking thing they said was a lie. Everything.
Fuck them. I hate liars.
For me, I just couldn’t taste for 2 days. Other than that, perfectly normal. Didn’t even miss a day of work (I had a day job where I worked from home at the time).
However, we did stay away from church for 3 weeks because there are lots of old people around us. The virus is mild to healthy people but dangerous to morbidly obese people and also to people 80+.
So learn to code, bitches! Now that Elon owns Twitter, I can say that without getting suspended. And yes, Twitter/X is the only social media platform I’m on. Fuck Facebook and all that other nonsense.