Can you combine watercolors with acrylics?

I’ve said before that I’m not your average watercolor evangelist. Most people think of landscapes, birds, or trees when they think of watercolors. They almost never think about pinup art. One thing I really like about watercolors – they play nicely with others. I’ve written before how you can combine watercolors with gouache. I’ve even… Continue reading Can you combine watercolors with acrylics?

Monochromaticism revisited

I haven’t been writing about watercolors too often recently because I don’t see myself as a watercolorist. Never did. I’ve always just seen myself as an artist. I use watercolors as my main medium. For now. This may or may not change but I intentionally keep the future open. Lately, I’ve been fooling around with… Continue reading Monochromaticism revisited

Categorized as Watercolor

Watercolor Flowers

My son picked up my insane work ethic. He hates wasting time more than anything else. Next time I talk to him, I’ll talk about measurable improvements. You see, people like us get frustrated when we feel like we’re spinning our wheels. I like getting shit done and I like to see visual improvements in… Continue reading Watercolor Flowers

Categorized as Watercolor