I didn’t like Impressionism. At all. Until I saw it in real life. That’s the same reason I don’t sell my art online. When you see it in real life, it’s completely different. You’ll have a much greater respect for it. It’s not meant to be seen up close. It’s meant to stand up on… Continue reading Artistic nudes vs erotica
Tag: pinup art
7 tips for Pinup Artists
I’ve written before about what I look for in a Pinup Model. This article is slightly different. Rather, here are 7 tips for Pinup Artists. I love pinup art. I always have and always will. Among my favorites – Frank Frazetta (although he’s a Fantasy artist but his work overlaps with pinups), Olivia de Bernardinis,… Continue reading 7 tips for Pinup Artists
What I look for in a Pinup Model
I primarily use two models for everything – Allie and Roxy. Allie is the blonde. Roxy is the brunette. Both of them are some of my closest friends on the planet. I worked with Allie throughout her pregnancy and regret never doing a pregnant painting of her. I really should have, just to do. She’s… Continue reading What I look for in a Pinup Model
Similar poses for the win
Every morning, I do a quick five minute sketch. This is one of the best things an artist could possibly do to improve his or her technique. You get good at drawing at a decent pace. The timer is brutal. As it should be. No forgiveness. No mercy. You get good at managing your time… Continue reading Similar poses for the win
Can Pinup Art be considered High Art?
Where do we draw the line in what is Pop Art vs High Art? Can pinup art be considered High Art? Serious question. After all, look at a lot of the Post Modernist garbage. They consider that bullshit high art. And it takes a million times more talent and work to create pinup art than… Continue reading Can Pinup Art be considered High Art?