…and the sooner you realize that, the better. I’m not going to get into the metaphysical aspect of it all. I’m just talking the physical world. The universe doesn’t care about you. The universe doesn’t even know you exist. The world isn’t fair. It’s not meant to be. And every time we try to make… Continue reading The universe doesn’t give a flying f- about you…
Category: Self-improvement
How to be unsexy to women
Chicks don’t like clingy. Clingy at best will get you the friend zone. At worst, your number blocked.
Men are supposed to accomplish cool things. Not be clingy to a woman.
Fear vs risk and why it’s important
Fear paralyzes. It prevents you from improving. It prevents you from doing a lot of things. I get it. A little bit of fear is evolutionary. You don’t walk up to a bear and pet it. For some odd reason, those folks died off. However, you can’t go the opposite extreme either. I’ve known quite… Continue reading Fear vs risk and why it’s important
When in doubt, ask
I never claimed to know it all. Life is one big learning experience. You keep learning new things until you drop dead. Well, some of us do. Some folks love to waste their lives. But if you’re reading this blog, I can safely assume you’re the former and not the latter. Yeah, I’m a composer/artist.… Continue reading When in doubt, ask
Not everyone has Free Will
“Jayden” from the outside seems highly successful. Big ass house. Multiple degrees from prestigious universities. Sends his kids to private schools. The problem is, the outside world doesn’t know Jayden as well as I do. He’s fucking miserable. His wife treats him like shit and has made him cry on numerous occasions. She’s fat too.… Continue reading Not everyone has Free Will