Years ago, I was shooting someone for Suicide Girls. She never pulled the trigger, which is unfortunate as she would have been a shoe in, considering she looked way better than most of them.
Well, when she decided not to pull the trigger, I cancelled my membership. I still to this day though get “come back” emails from Missy Suicide. Um, no.
For one, Suicide Girls is full of politics. I’m sick of politics. The absolute last thing I want when I’m looking for inspiration for a painting is for some chick with half my years and a hundredth of my life experience lecture me on how I need to think.
For another, I can’t stand the new aesthetics. They all got either those stupid cow nose rings or the metal boogers, and the same tattoos. All those non-conformists look exactly the same.
Which is a shame. I actually thought Suicide Girls from 2007-2010 was a pretty good site, as long as you stayed out of the politics threads. The girls didn’t lecture back then. They just posed and talked about the music they were listening to or the video games they played.
The photography actually was pretty good.
Now though, it’s politics, nose rings, and a larger than we need to see percentage of fat chicks.
Don’t lecture me about body positivity
I hate the body positivity movement. Absolutely hate it.
We may move towards socialized medicine. Politicians are headed in that direction.
To be honest, healthcare is my absolute least favorite topic. People who list healthcare in any of their top three topics are boring ass people. 100% of the time. I’ve yet to meet an exception to this.
That said, the absolute last thing we need is for this country to get even fatter. America already is too fat. The average person needs to lose 30 pounds. Yes, the average. If you think your insurance rates are too high now, imagine what they will be like when everyone’s 50 pounds overweight because the body positivity movement did away with common sense.
And it’s excuses, excuses, and more excuses. Look, my wife is a mother. Allie is a mother. In fact, Allie’s baby is only a year old. They both look fabulous today. So don’t bore me with excuses.
So now it’s Domai
I recently joined Domai. If you haven’t heard, they recently got bought out by Met Art. I think Met Art also has great photography but it’s borderline pornography.
No, I’m not anti-porn. It’s just not my thing. I don’t like to see a dude in there at all and video gets boring fast.
I like photography. That’s why I joined Suicide Girls in the first place and why I joined Domai.
I sometimes need inspiration. I can’t keep ripping off Gil Elvgren and his generation of pinup artists. I need something new.
Domai of course tried to get me to “upgrade” to joining some of the other sites. I declined. I only want pictures, not videos.
I also practice drawing some of these girls. You could never practice drawing too much.
Domai has cleaner women. Mostly Europeans. Little to no tattoos. Little to no piercings. And best of all? No politics whatsoever.
Often outdoors. Focus is on the girls and little to no story.
That’s one thing that Suicide Girls did get right. Their shoots often had stories to them. I did like that.
Domai should rip off that concept. A little bit of story or a bit of theme definitely helps the photoshoot. My paintings always have a little bit of story. I leave it up to you to interpret it, but there’s definitely a story in there.
Both Domai and Suicide Girls have spread shots, but they’re both tastefully done. Not explicit.
I’m occasionally crossing into that territory with my paintings.
Bloodshot eyes
Several days ago, I woke up and one of my eyes was totally bloodshot. It looked scary. Like something bad happened.
Well, I know what’s wrong. If you go decades without sleep, it’s eventually gonna catch up to you.
I haven’t been able to sleep since junior high. I started to see insomnia as a gift though since I could get so much done while everyone else is asleep and nobody is bugging me.
But, if this isn’t a sign, I don’t know what is.
So I’m going to try to sleep. See what it’s like. See if it’s everything that people say it’s cracked up to be.
If you’re offended
By the way, if you’re offended by anything I wrote, then leave and don’t come back. I’m entitled to my opinion. I’m also entitled to Free Speech.
I’m finding more and more people getting offended to the point that I’m hearing comedians tell me that they have to keep cutting shit from their shows.
My wife and I see comedians several times a year. Half the time nowadays, they start off the shows telling the audience that if they’re offended easily, then fuck off and leave. Yes, they really do have to do that.
I’ve also heard that several pretty big name comedians won’t play college campuses any more. When I was growing up, college was the place you’d go to broaden your horizons. Nowadays, college kids are the most boxed in easily offended tightwads on the planet.
The cool thing about comedians is that they’re people. And I’m good with people.
So after the show, or just around town, I’ll bump into them and we’ll talk. Sometimes for an hour. I’ve met some real cool ones, including one who was close friends with Bill Hicks. I forget his name though as it was a long time ago.
Definitely support comedy. The clubs are often small and intimate. I’ve never been roasted but I have been called on stage for a magic act. The magician read my mind. I have no idea how he did that. But that’s another story for another day.