On Flamenco guitars, Mistresses, and the Spanish Inquisition

It’s pretty sad that most Westerners know nothing about Western civilization. Schools nowadays are so much more into indoctrination than actually teaching kids anything useful. Culture is everything. Well, not quite everything. You gotta know some math and science and other shit. But as an artist, when people talk about culture, I’m happy. So, let… Continue reading On Flamenco guitars, Mistresses, and the Spanish Inquisition

Categorized as Musings

When in doubt, paint dancers

There’s no such thing as too many paintings of dancers. Dancing is one of the most human things we do. I’m married. But if I were single, and I met a cute girl who couldn’t dance, I’ll give her the evil words. You know them – “let’s just be friends.” That’s right. No matter how… Continue reading When in doubt, paint dancers

Categorized as General Art