It’s all perspective

In sixth grade, I lived in an entirely different world. My junior high had a tradition where the sixth graders would play tackle football against the eighth graders. The PE coaches will all be there. For their amusement. As a sixth grader, the eighth graders were all eight feet tall and ran sixty miles an… Continue reading It’s all perspective

Categorized as Musings

Summoning Bloody Mary

“We have to do it after midnight. She doesn’t come out before then.” “What’s going to happen?” “She either tells you the future, you just see her eyes, or she gets really mad at you for summoning her and she scratches your face.” My girl cousins discussed who would be the one to summon her.… Continue reading Summoning Bloody Mary

Categorized as Musings

Solid process especially helps reckless types

Two things you’ll never see on this blog – dishonesty, and me stealing someone else’s images. I can’t stand stock images either. Especially when someone who claims to be a “lifestyle blogger” uses them. If you’re a lifestyle blogger, that means you’ve lived an interesting life. Right? Therefore, you should have enough interesting photos that… Continue reading Solid process especially helps reckless types

Categorized as Musings