Can you combine watercolors with acrylics?

I’ve said before that I’m not your average watercolor evangelist. Most people think of landscapes, birds, or trees when they think of watercolors. They almost never think about pinup art. One thing I really like about watercolors – they play nicely with others. I’ve written before how you can combine watercolors with gouache. I’ve even… Continue reading Can you combine watercolors with acrylics?


Life is short. It really is. Worst of all? Youth is magical, but the youth is wasted on the youth. Who will of course fail to appreciate their youth until after it’s gone. Then you get decades of slowly getting older. Then death. Fun blog post, huh? Well, don’t worry friends. I’m just getting started.… Continue reading Boobs

Categorized as Musings

Developing your own style Part II

I already wrote about this awhile ago but I think this topic merits a second article, as it’s one of the absolute most important topics for an artist. Also note that this doesn’t pertain to just painting. It includes writers, musicians, etc. I’m just using painting for examples purposes. If you’re any type of creative,… Continue reading Developing your own style Part II

Categorized as General Art

Last Thing On My Mind

2015. My band Astral Eyes just got a new singer and we spent every moment we could either in the recording studio or shooting videos with hot babes. Yeah, we made a huge tactical mistake. We tried to market image rather than the music. I watched one too many Rap videos and mistakenly thought that… Continue reading Last Thing On My Mind

Categorized as Music