Liquor for May

I’ve heard that general blogs are going out of fashion. That blogs should be specific, and follow a general theme. You know what? I don’t care. For one, I’m not one to follow rules. For another, pardon my French, but as much as I love watercolors, I’m not going to write exclusively about watercolors for… Continue reading Liquor for May

Categorized as Musings

Looking forward to 2021

You know the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people? Successful people have long-term goals. Unsuccessful people don’t. “But what about Jim? He’s going great and is totally random.” Congratulations guy. You found the exception to the rule. I’m speaking generally. You’re always going to find that one guy who pulled a rabbit out of… Continue reading Looking forward to 2021

Categorized as Personal

A bourbon rambling

I’m sitting here, looking at my blog and realizing I simply don’t write enough articles. So, I decided to drink a lot of bourbon and write something. Anything. Just to have an article. Will this be any good? Who knows. But you know what? It will be honest. Totally uncensored. I love the aesthetics of… Continue reading A bourbon rambling

Categorized as Musings

Artistic nudes vs erotica

I didn’t like Impressionism. At all. Until I saw it in real life. That’s the same reason I don’t sell my art online. When you see it in real life, it’s completely different. You’ll have a much greater respect for it. It’s not meant to be seen up close. It’s meant to stand up on… Continue reading Artistic nudes vs erotica