Some women

I have yet to meet a feminist with an ounce of culture. I love Camille Paglia, but I’ve never met her. The ones I’ve met? About as cultured as a garden slug. And yes, I’ve met a lot of them. I even regrettably lived with a feminist girlfriend for awhile (not one of my smarter… Continue reading Some women

Categorized as Musings

Lift weights, eat steaks, and surround yourself with beautiful women

Roxy and I have a long running argument. She thinks she’s average and I’m an amazing artist. I think she’s gorgeous and I’m just painting what I see. It’s funny how sometimes, beautiful women don’t see what others see. Regardless though, her presence is magical. I get inspired whenever she’s around. I wrote Princess for… Continue reading Lift weights, eat steaks, and surround yourself with beautiful women

Categorized as Musings