Breaking the incel curse

I want to be clear on something before I write the beef of this article. Everyone is naturally good at something. Everyone is naturally bad at something else. That’s just a cold, hard fact of life. Sure, I was always good with the babes. But I was always really, really bad with money. So if… Continue reading Breaking the incel curse

Categorized as Musings

Why I love cruises

I talked to one of my besties last night. He and his wife just got back from being on the road. They got to see Mount Rushmore, something we haven’t seen yet. On our list. We started talking about vacations. He’s not the cruise type. He thinks they’d be boring. Which made me write this… Continue reading Why I love cruises

Categorized as Personal

Down to 13 meals a week

There are certain things that get better with age. However, metabolism isn’t one of them. Awhile back, I took a good, hard look in the mirror and saw a few pounds of belly fat that could definitely go away. Playing the odds, it’s OK to store fat elsewhere. On your stomach though, that increases your… Continue reading Down to 13 meals a week